Asli Agirbas, Roza Sabyrova, Tarik Emre Kirhalli. 2025. Landscape Design as Art: An Experimental Methodology with the Use of Neurographic Art and Metaball Geometry. International Journal of Built Environment and Sustainability, 12(1), 1–8. [Index: E-SCI]
Asli Agirbas, 2024. Geometric decomposition and algorithmic model of main gate muqarnas of Ankara Cenabi Ahmet Pasha Mosque. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 70, 134-142. [Index: SCI-Expanded] |
Asli Agirbas, Enes Yildiz, 2024. Investigating the Impact of Muqarnas on the Daylighting Performance of Historical Turkish Baths. METU JFA, 41 (2), 91-106. [Index: AHCI]
Asli Agirbas, Ayse Ozlem Dal, 2024.Evaluation of indoor daylighting performance changes in a historical khan building in Istanbul, Heritage Science 12:313 [Index: SCI-Expanded]
Asli Agirbas, 2024. Semi-automated creation of reciprocal frame structures using deep learning. Automation in Construction, 165, 105515 [Index: SCI-Expanded] |
Asli Agirbas, Merve Aydin, 2024. Prediction of Star Polygon Types in Islamic Geometric Patterns with Deep Learning. Nexus Network Journal, 26, 877-896 [Index: SCI-Expanded]
Asli Agirbas, Enes Yildiz, 2023. The Effect of Muqarnas on Acoustic Quality of Traditional Turkish Bath Interior Space. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 16 (3), 1–20. [Index: SCI-Expanded]
Asli Agirbas, 2023. A methodology for 3D digital sketching practise in undergraduate architectural education. Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education, 22 (2), 171 - 185. [Index: E-SCI, SCOPUS]
Asli Agirbas, 2022. A Teaching Methodology on the Combination of Architectural Tradition and Parametric Design: A Case Study with Birdhouses. International Journal of Islamic Architecture, 11 (1), 149-168. [Index: AHCI]
Asli Agirbas, Gulnur Yildiz, Murat Sahin, 2022. Interrelation between grid systems and star polygons of muqarnas ground projection plans. Heritage Science 10 (12). [Index: AHCI, SCI-Expanded] |
Asli Agirbas, 2022. Multi-objective building design optimisation using acoustics and daylighting, Indoor and Built Environment, 31 (3), 853-867. [Index: SCI-Expanded] |
Asli Agirbas, Gulnur Yildiz, 2021. Origin of Irregular Star Polygons in Ground Projection Plans of Muqarnas, Nexus Network Journal, 23, 507-548. [Index: AHCI, SCI-Expanded] |
Asli Agirbas, 2021. Macro-scale complex form generation through a swarm intelligence-based model with urban morphology constants. Architectural Science Review, 64 (6), 504-521. [Index: AHCI] |
Asli Agirbas, 2021. An Experimental Framework for Designing a Parametric Design Course. Design and Technology Education: an International Journal, 26 (3), 102-118. [Index: DAAI] |
Asli Agirbas, 2020. Optimization test of a rule-based swarm intelligence simulation for the conceptual design process, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 34 (4), 477-491. [Index: SCI-Expanded]
Asli Agirbas, 2020. Teaching construction sciences with the integration of BIM to undergraduate architecture students. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 9 (4), 940-950. [Index: AHCI] |
Asli Agirbas, 2020. Characteristics of Social Formations and Space Syntax Application to Quantify Spatial Configurations of Urban Regeneration in Levent, Istanbul. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 35, 171–189. [Index: SSCI] |
Article link |
Asli Agirbas, 2020. Algorithmic Decomposition of Geometric Islamic Patterns: A Case Study with Star Polygon Design in The Tombstones of Ahlat. Nexus Network Journal, 22, 113–137. [Index: AHCI, SCI-Expanded] |
Asli Agirbas, 2020. A Form-Based Study: Integrating the Manhattan Bridge into the Urban Fabric. Online Journal of Art and Design, 8 (2), 17-23. [Index: DAAI] |
Asli Agirbas, 2019. Façade Form-Finding with Swarm Intelligence. Automation in Construction, 99, 140-151. [Index: SCI-Expanded]
Asli Agirbas, 2019. The Evaluation of the Relationship between the Use of Multi-Software and the Students’ Attitude towards Computers and Technology in Undergraduate Architectural Design Studio Education. Design and Technology Education: an International Journal, 24 (1), 122-137. [Index: DAAI] |
Asli Agirbas, 2018. Performance-Based Design Optimization for Minimal Surface Based Form. Architectural Science Review, 61 (6), 384-399. [Index: AHCI] |
Asli Agirbas, 2018. The Use of Metaphors as a Parametric Design Teaching Model: A Case Study. Design and Technology Education: an International Journal, 23 (1), 40-54. [Index: DAAI] |
Asli Agirbas, 2018. Sovereignty over the Streets: Understanding of the Use of Mosquito Device in the Streets by the Application of the Space Syntax Method. Online Journal of Art and Design, 6 (5), 1-12. [Index: DAAI]
Asli Agirbas, Emel Ardaman, 2017. Macro-scale Designs through Topological Deformations in the Built Environment. International Journal of Architectural Computing, 15 (2), 134-147. [Index: E-SCI, SCOPUS] |
Asli Agirbas, Emel Ardaman, 2015. A Morphological Comparison of Urban Tissues of Trani and Galata. Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 39 (4), 232-247. [Index: E-SCI, Art Index, SCOPUS] |
Enes Yildiz, Asli Agirbas, 2024. A Framework for Creating a Deep Learning Training Dataset Based on Building Components. From Tradition to Future Conference'24, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Ayse Ozlem Dal Kocoglu, Asli Agirbas, 2024. The Schema of 3D Muqarnas Modeling. From Tradition to Future Conference'24, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Muhsin Lütfi, Asli Agirbas, 2024. Algorithmic Decomposition of the Interlaced Dodecagon Geometrical Pattern in Islamic Architecture. From Tradition to Future Conference'24, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Karima Daoud and Asli Agirbas, 2023. The Algorithmic Analysis of Al Aqsa’s Ten-Fold Rosette Pattern. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Islamic Architectural Heritage (ISL@H), Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University, Istanbul, Turkey, 18-19 December, pp. 479-485.
Murat Şahin, Asli Agirbas, Hilal Kaynar, 2022. The Use of Parametric Mapping as an Analysis Method in Contextual Design Studio. Proceedings of SiGRaDi, School of Architecture, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), Peru, 7-11 November, pp. 983-992.
Asli Agirbas and Elif Feyza Basogul, 2021. Structural Performance of Reciprocal Structures formed by using Islamic Geometrical Patterns. Proceedings of the 39th eCAADe Conference, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, 8-10 September 2021, pp. 391-400. [Index: SCOPUS]
Elif Feyza Basogul, Zeynep Kevser Cakir and Asli Agirbas, 2021.Architectural Competition Project Experience During The Pandemic. Proceedings of XII Sinan Symposium, Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey, 8-9 April, pp.487-496.
Asli Agirbas, 2020. Pneumatic Structure with Kinetic Sub-system: A Proposal for Extraterrestrial Life. Proceedings of SiGRaDi, Medellin, Colombia,18-20 November, pp. 400-405.
Asli Agirbas, 2020. A Teaching Methodology for Parametric Design: A Case Study with Parametric Bench. Proceedings of SiGRaDi, Medellin, Colombia,18-20 November, pp. 720-725.
Asli Agirbas, 2020. Building Energy Performance of Complex Forms: Test simulation of minimal surface-based form optimization. Proceedings of the 38th eCAADe Conference, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 16-18 September, pp. 259-268. [Index: CPCI, SCOPUS]
Asli Agirbas, 2019. The effect of complex wall forms on the room acoustics: An experimental case study. Proceedings of the eCAADe+SIGraDi Conference, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September, pp. 97-102. [Index: CPCI, SCOPUS]
Asli Agirbas, 2019. A proposal for the use of fractal geometry algorithmically in tiling design. CAADFutures 2019 Proceedings, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea, 26-28 June, pp. 438-453.
Mehmet Cetintas, Asli Agirbas, 2019. Differentiation of Anatolian-Turkish Carpet Motifs by Using Shape Grammars: A Case Study. Proceedings of International Conference on Islamic Architectural Heritage (ISL@H), , Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University, Istanbul, Turkey, 26-28 August, pp. 201-209.
Asli Agirbas, 2018. Creating Non-standard Spaces via 3D Modeling and Simulation: A Case Study. Proceedings of the 22nd SIGraDi, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, 7-9 November, pp.1051-1058.
Asli Agirbas, 2018. The Use of Multi-software in Undergraduate Architectural Design Studio Education: A Case Study. Proceedings of the 22nd SIGraDi, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil, 7-9 November, pp.1059-1064.
Asli Agirbas, 2018. Algorithmic Decomposition of Geometric Islamic Patterns: A case study with Star Polygon Design in The Tombstones of Ahlat. Proceedings of the Nexus2018 12th International Conference, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, 11-14 June, pp. 93-98. [Index: CPCI, SCOPUS]
Asli Agirbas, 2017. The Use of Simulation for Creating Folding Structures: A Teaching Model. Proceedings of the 35th eCAADe Conference, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 20-22 September, pp. 325-332. [Index: CPCI, SCOPUS]
Asli Agirbas, 2017. Teaching Design by Coding in Architecture Undergraduate Education: A Case Study with Islamic Patterns. CAADFutures 2017 Proceedings, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, 12-14 July, pp. 249-258.
Asli Agirbas, Emel Ardaman, 2016. Simulation as an Avant-garde Form Exploration Tool: A Case Study with nCloth. DCA (Design Communication Associations) European Conference Proceedings, Ozyegin University, Istanbul, Turkey, 11-14 May, pp.157-160.
Asli Agirbas, 2015. The Use of Digital Fabrication as a Sketching Tool in the Architectural Design Process: A Case Study. Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September, pp. 319-324. [Index: CPCI, SCOPUS]
Beyza Karadeniz, Asli Agirbas, Merve Ozen, 2024. A Methodology Proposal for a Brownfield Redevelopment. In: Germanà, M.L., Akagawa, N., Versaci, A., Cavalagli, N. (eds) Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH). CAH 2022. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer, Cham. [Index: SCOPUS]
Asli Agirbas, 2021. Galata'nın Kentsel Biçimlenişi. In: Mimarlığın İstanbul'u (Ed. I. Numan), pp.84-85, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi Yayınları, Istanbul. (In Turkish).
Asli Agirbas, 2021. Kıyı ve Yerleşim. In: Mimarlığın İstanbul'u (Ed. I. Numan), pp.20-21, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi Yayınları, Istanbul. (In Turkish).
Asli Agirbas, 2018. Parametrik Dokular. In: Kusursuz Tekrar, Yeditepe Biennial Catalogue, pp. 29-40, Istanbul.
Asli Agirbas, 2014. Championing Architecture in Olympic Cities: 2020, Istanbul, Turkey. In: InProcess GAUD+PSPD - Pratt Architecture Yearbook, Issue 19, pp. 54-55, 62-63. (Pratt Institute, New York)
Asli Agirbas, 2014. Interfaces through Urban Boundaries, Manhattan Bridge, NY. In: InProcess GAUD+PSPD - Pratt Architecture Yearbook, Issue 19, pp.89. (Pratt Institute, New York)
Asli Agirbas, 2013. Multi-Media Art Center, Brooklyn Battery Tunnel Entrance to Manhattan, NY. In: InProcess GAUD+PSPD - Pratt Architecture Yearbook, Issue 18, pp.76-77. (Pratt Institute, New York)
Asli Agirbas, 2017 (January). A Simulation Model with Urban Morphology Constraints for Avant-garde Design Process. PhD Thesis, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul.
Asli Agirbas, 2013 (May). Interfaces through Urban Boundaries: Integrating the Manhattan Bridge into the Urban Fabric. MS Arch Thesis, Pratt Institute, New York.
Asli Agirbas, 2012 (May). Urban tissue of the Mediterranean coastal colonies; a morphological comparison of urban tissues of Trani and Galata. M Sc Thesis, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul.